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Showing posts from June, 2020

Cross-tabulation and How to measure chi-square in SPSS

                                                                      Cross-tabulation   It is used to measure the relationship in two categorical variables. It is used to measure the chi-square test. For measuring the chi-square test there are two conditions: 1.Variables should be measured in nominal or ordinal level. 2. Variables should contain two or more categorical or independent groups. For example, to teach statistics for undergraduates,educators have to know their auidence(male,female) and which mode of learning they want(online,offline).So,here two nominal variables gender and medium of learning. Steps how to do chi-square in SPSS using cross-tabulation: Step1:  Referring to the above examples, two variables are gender,medium of learning. Click  A nalyze > D e scriptives Statistics >  C rosstabs...  on the top menu, as shown below: Step 2: Following dialog-box of cross-tab will be open: Step 3: Transfer the variables into row and columns i.e in this case gender will be i

Measurement Scales in SPSS

                                       M Measurement Scales in SPSS 1.Nominal: It is measurement scale in which numbers are used as "tags"or "labels" which is used to classify an object.It deals with non-numeric variables.It is used for the purpose of classification. for example, in case of gender scale,it can be classified as Male=1 and Female=2. It is used for only for counting purposes. 2.Ordinal: It is the second level of measurement in which ranking of data without actually establishing the degree of variation between them. Likert Scale through which we can measure the order. Scale: Divided into two parts: 1. Interval Scale 2. Ratio Scale 1.Interval Scale: In this measurement variables are measured in exact manner not in relative manner. Example: Likert Scale Net Promoter Score(NPS) Bipolar Matrix Table 2.Ratio Scale It allows researchers to compare the differences or intervals. The ratio scale has a unique feature. It possesses the character of the origin or z